Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Robertson Winery - Carbon Footprint - Blue North

About Robertson Winery

Robertson Winery is situated in the town of Robertson, in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Robertson Winery proudly calculates their carbon footprint as a bottling company that fills bottle ready wine, grape juice and de-alcoholised wine in glass, bag in box and combi packaging. Once harvested, matured, and bottled, Robertson wines are shipped around the world for millions of people to enjoy – a process which needs to be managed respectfully to minimise its impact on the environment. 

1 Year Label - Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Carbon Footprint - Blue North

robertson winery a Carbon Hero

We use the Confronting Climate Change Carbon Calculator to measure our annual carbon emissions. The Carbon Calculator tool not only records and measures results, but it also helps us set targets to constantly reduce our carbon footprint and improve sustainability. The Carbon Calculator has especially helped us understand the changes we need to make to our packaging to reduce its footprint – Robertson Winery

Robertson Winery's Sustainability Initiatives

Robertson Winery’s key focus area is on increasing the sustainability of their packaging, which is currently the largest source of the farm’s emissions. The farm has introduced lightweight bottles across their range and improved the construction of the bladders within their BIB wines, which has made a significant impact.

Robertson Winery’s second largest emission source is electricity. Robertson sees it as their role to minimise their electricity usage through simple interventions like switching off lights and equipment when not needed and replacing existing lights with energy-efficient alternatives. The farm makes use of energy-saving inverter systems to power pumps, to reduce reliance on diesel-burning generators during power outages and the farm is in the process of investigating the installation of their own solar-powered renewable energy system.

Because sustainability should impact every area of the business, Robertson Winery also works hard to conserve and re-use water where possible, only use environmentally friendly chemicals, and work extensively with recycled packaging, while recycling their own inorganic waste products. 

Reduced Reliance on Diesel Fuel

Robertson Winery has inverter systems on their pumps to reduce reliance on diesel burning generators.

Efficient Water Use

Robertson Winery works hard to conserve water and re-use sanitation water.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Robertson Winery’s inorganic waste is collected by a registered recycling company and inorganic products are re-used as far as possible to reduce waste.

Reports, Certificates and/or Case Studies

Carbon footprint report

Carbon footprint certificate

Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Robertson Winery - Carbon Footprint - Blue North
Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Robertson Winery - Carbon Footprint - Blue North

All about the


Through this digital recognition platform, we celebrate the Carbon Heroes taking part in the Confronting Climate Change (CCC) Initiative for their considerable effort in calculating and understanding their carbon emissions.

Each Carbon Hero has their own digital QR code that can be displayed on their website and other marketing material, linking directly to their individual profile on the Carbon Heroes website.

The QR code provides a simple and innovative way for customers to learn about each Carbon Hero’s carbon offsetting and other sustainability initiatives, as well as engage with them on social media and other marketing channels.

With the Carbon Heroes QR code we aim to support a global transition towards sustainable development by recognising and celebrating the positive environmental impact of each Carbon Hero. By having a transparent display of their commitment to reducing emissions, Carbon Heroes demonstrate their dedication to a sustainable future, while building trust in their brand.

Find out more about the Carbon Heroes and CCC

Carbon Heroes is a recognition platform built on the ethos of transparency and trust. While only emissions datasets graded by Blue North qualify for the platform, we do not independently verify all the information our Heroes choose to post. By signing up to the platform each Carbon Hero acknowledges that they are responsible for the information they share and that, by sharing their sustainability credentials, their information is in the public domain and open to be scrutinised. We welcome such scrutiny. We have a clear set of guidelines for the use of the platform and the qualification for the various digital labels, and reserve the right to revoke the use of the platform where it is found these guidelines are not being followed and/or the information posted is misaligned with the stated ethos. Thank you for helping us maintain the integrity of the Carbon Heroes platform and our efforts to promote greater transparency and sustainability.