Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Alicedale Berries - Carbon Footprint - Blue North

About Alicedale berries

Alicedale Berries is situated in the Buffelspoort Valley in the Northwest province of South Africa. Alicedale is a blueberry farm and packhouse where different blueberry varieties are cultivated for local and export markets. Alicedale’s mission is to add value to their suppliers, shareholders, customers, and country by taking care of their produce and its needs in time. They recognise that to achieve their mission they have a responsibility to conserve their environment and natural resources, and to protect the surrounding ecosystem; ensuring the sustainability of their operations.

3 Year Label - Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Carbon Footprint - Blue North

achtertuin farm a Carbon Hero

The Confronting Climate Change carbon calculator is a user friendly tool that provides valuable information and benchmarks that we use to continuously improve on our environmental performance, ensuring the sustainability of our operations – Alicedale Berries

Alicedale's Sustainability Initiatives


Alicedale Berries currently relies on Eskom electricity for most of their energy. However, the farm has installed solar geysers at their staff housing complex and the packhouse has been designed to enable the farm to install solar panels on 1200 m2 section of the roof.


Efficient Fuel Use

Initiatives have been implemented to optimise fuel usage: All vehicles are fitted with tracking units to apply speed restrictions. Alicedale Berries also uses electric vehicles on the farm.

Water Wise

Initiatives to optimise water use on the farm: Soil water content monitoring is used to determine water allocations to the crops. The following instruments and systems are used:
• Irricheck – Continuous Monitoring. There are probes positioned across the blueberry orchard that monitor the conditions in the different soil texture and soil class groups. Irrigation scheduling is based on these measurements.
• Tensiometer readings – Daily at 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00 & 15:00. Depth 150 mm & 300 mm.
• Auger Tests – Bi-weekly or as required.
• The weather (rain, evaporation rate) is also considered as well as the season and the physiological stage of the blueberries.

Promoting Biodiversity

Alicedale Berries has buffer zones set aside to promote natural biodiversity. Alien invasive plants are managed annually with a clearing program and the farm has implemented biological control in their integrated pest management practices.

Reports, Certificates and/or Case Studies

Carbon footprint report

Carbon footprint certificate

Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Alicedale Berries - Carbon Footprint - Blue North
Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Alicedale Berries - Carbon Footprint - Blue North
Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Alicedale Berries - Carbon Footprint - Blue North
Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Alicedale Berries - Carbon Footprint - Blue North
Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Alicedale Berries - Carbon Footprint - Blue North
Sustainability - Carbon Heroes - Alicedale Berries - Carbon Footprint - Blue North

Achtertuin's Sustainability Initiatives

To reduce energy use, Achtertuin has retrofitted VSD starters to all pumps and installed grid tied solar panels that generate 15% of annual irrigation demand. Achtertuin’s biological approach to farming has increased soil carbon significantly. Natural predators control mites and mealybugs, and mating disruption controls codling moth. All invasive alien vegetation has been removed from the farm and a yearly program is followed to remain free of aliens. Achtertuin is also in the process of trying to establish a riverine forest of natural trees, as well as implement annual trips into the adjacent mountain to remove pines and hakea from the mountain slopes above the farm.

All about the


Through this digital recognition platform, we celebrate the Carbon Heroes taking part in the Confronting Climate Change (CCC) Initiative for their considerable effort in calculating and understanding their carbon emissions.

Each Carbon Hero has their own digital QR code that can be displayed on their website and other marketing material, linking directly to their individual profile on the Carbon Heroes website.

The QR code provides a simple and innovative way for customers to learn about each Carbon Hero’s carbon offsetting and other sustainability initiatives, as well as engage with them on social media and other marketing channels.

With the Carbon Heroes QR code we aim to support a global transition towards sustainable development by recognising and celebrating the positive environmental impact of each Carbon Hero. By having a transparent display of their commitment to reducing emissions, Carbon Heroes demonstrate their dedication to a sustainable future, while building trust in their brand.

Find out more about the Carbon Heroes and CCC

Carbon Heroes is a recognition platform built on the ethos of transparency and trust. While only emissions datasets graded by Blue North qualify for the platform, we do not independently verify all the information our Heroes choose to post. By signing up to the platform each Carbon Hero acknowledges that they are responsible for the information they share and that, by sharing their sustainability credentials, their information is in the public domain and open to be scrutinised. We welcome such scrutiny. We have a clear set of guidelines for the use of the platform and the qualification for the various digital labels, and reserve the right to revoke the use of the platform where it is found these guidelines are not being followed and/or the information posted is misaligned with the stated ethos. Thank you for helping us maintain the integrity of the Carbon Heroes platform and our efforts to promote greater transparency and sustainability.